Wow! Headless Cabbages

When we mention cabbage we always think of the lovely large leaves and the head, which is the cabbage. However, I recently had to console a friend who planted cabbage and got headless cabbage, he…

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Ready To Eat Some Flowers?

One of the most natural and most appealing ways to brighten up and beautify a dish is the simple addition of an edible flower! There are many varieties which are edible, and add a subtle…

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Some Unusual Flowers

Flowers bring joy. They are wonderful at weddings, for birthdays, as a gift for the hostess and also at funerals. We use them to decorate a corner as a beautiful flowering plant, or in a…

A Flower For Weddings And Funerals

Mention Tuberoses and you immediately think of beautiful white flowers growing on long elegant stems.  Not to mention the wonderful scent given off by these flowers. It is believed that tuberoses originated in Mexico.  They…

Grow Your Own Leeks

Ever thought of growing your own leeks? I’m sure you answered no.  Well, you should consider growing your own. Leeks, like garlic, onions, shallots, and scallions belong to a vegetable family called the Allium vegetables. …