Beginner Gardening Tips

To further assist you on your path, I have sourced a great article which shares 20 great tips and hacks to help you enjoy your gardening more, and make some of your chores much easier.  The article is from the Planet Natural website.


  1. If its getting cold and you have tomatoes still ripening on the vine — save your tomatoes! Pull the plants up and bring them inside to a warm dry place. Hang them up, and the tomatoes will ripen on the vine.
  2. Keep garden vegetables from getting dirty by spreading a 1-2 inch layer of mulch (untreated by pesticides or fertilizers) around each plant. This will also help keep the weeds down.
  3. Paint the handles of your gardens tools a bright, color other than green to help you find them amongst your plants. You can also keep a mailbox in your garden for easy tool storage.
  4. Compost needs time to integrate and stabilize in the soil. Apply two to three weeks prior to planting.


To read the full article go over to Planet Natural website.