Container Fruit Trees

A great advantage to growing your fruit trees in pots is that it is much easier to pick your fruit.  You can now easily reach the ripe fruit at the top of your trees. Just nourish your trees with compost and water regularly and lots of sunshine.

The information below is taken from Stark Bro’s website and gives lots of great tips on setting up and growing your fruit trees in containers.

Getting Started

With the Grow Your Own movement rooting itself in our everyday lives, people everywhere are enhancing their yards (and their diets) by growing their own fruit. Some are lucky enough to have a large enough area to plant their own orchard, but others who don’t have as much room might feel like they don’t have a lot of options. Not true! If you’re renting an apartment, have limited or no space, or just want something for your patio, you should try growing your fruit trees in containers. In this article, which is part one of a two-part series, we focus on what you need to know to get started with this fun and surprisingly easy process.

How to Plant Fruit Trees in Pots

Choosing the Right Container
Most people choose to grow fruit trees in containers for easy mobility. For this purpose, the ideal container size is about 10-15 gallons — substantial enough to support a tree, but small enough to move easily (see photo at right). This size is perfect if you’re growing in a window or on a balcony or patio, so you can bring the tree indoors for protection when the weather starts getting too cold. It also comes in handy if you need to relocate your tree to an unheated garage, shed, or basement during winter.

To read the full article, go over to Stark Bro’s website.