Articles by wisegardening

Some Unusual Flowers

Flowers bring joy. They are wonderful at weddings, for birthdays, as a gift for the hostess and also at funerals. We use them to decorate a corner as a beautiful flowering plant, or in a…

Wanna Build A Snowman That Does Not Melt

It’s that wonderful time of year again.  Yes, the year is just about over.  It’s a fun time of year where everyone is happy, and there’s so many things to buy, and many things to…

Ah! A Succulent Wreath

‘Tis the season.  Want to impress your friends with your gardening skills?  Well, make your own succulent wreath to decorate your door. I bet you never thought of that.  Succulents come in various tones and…

Get Ready To Brew Your Own Compost Tea

As gardeners we all know that we need to fertilize our plants.  You need healthy, leafy plants with strong stems and healthy root systems.   You can make a lot of your own fertilizers by…

What’s Going On In Your Winter Garden

So, it’s Winter and that means it is cold and frosty outside.  Short days, and not so comfortable outside in the garden.   What’s going on in your winter garden?  Does your gardening come to an…

The Awesomeness Of Nature

The awesomeness of nature is easily seen in the beauty of flowers.  The varying shades of colors, shapes, sizes and scents is always amazing. Gardeners who grow flowers are always amazed to see their overnight…

Some Easy Tips and Hacks For Your Garden

We are all busy, busy and there is never enough time to do what we need to do. This is especially true for gardeners.  All gardeners welcome tips and hacks to make their gardening easier…

What! Use Diapers In Your Gardening

You can certainly learn something new each day.  So, today you can learn how to use diapers in your gardening.  What… am I crazy?  Definitely not.  You can use baby and or adult diapers depending…

Grow Your Own Leeks

Ever thought of growing your own leeks? I’m sure you answered no.  Well, you should consider growing your own. Leeks, like garlic, onions, shallots, and scallions belong to a vegetable family called the Allium vegetables. …