Grow Your Own Leeks

Leeks are easy to grow once you know what conditions they require.  The article below is taken from the Bonnie Plants website and has very good information on growing leeks.

[su_quote]Grace your dinner table with an easy-to-grow, elegant onion cousin: the leek. Sweet and mild, leeks are gentle on the digestive system and play the role of onion in dishes, only toned down. Unlike onions, leeks don’t produce bulbs, but stash their flavor in thick, juicy stems that look similar to giant scallions. Leafy stems are pretty, and growing leeks doesn’t require much room in the garden.

In the supermarket, leeks cost a premium; harvested from the garden, they’re a bargain. Leeks are most famous for leek and potato soup, but they’re also good steamed like asparagus, oven-roasted, chopped in quiche, or wrapped in ham and baked (perhaps with a little cheese on top).

Frost-tolerant leeks thrive in cool weather. In zones 7 and warmer, plants can overwinter in the ground, making them perfect for fall planting. In northerly zones, tuck plants into beds in early spring, as soon as soil can be worked.[/su_quote]

Read the full article on the BonniePlants website.

Go over to the following page to watch a short video showing an easy way to plant your leeks.