Molasses Fertilizer

Results can be achieved through trial and constantly testing.  Not everything will work for everyone.  Also, one treatment will not always fix a problem.  It is always best to treat something as soon as it shows up and not wait until it becomes a big problem.

Veggie gardens need special care. Vegetable plants are prone to all sorts of disease and fungus. They are highly sought after by pests both big and teeny teeny tiny. A slight negative change in their environment can cause them to stop producing. And we aren’t happy when our veggie garden is just limping along…we want it to thrive!

We also expect our vegetables to be nutritious and safe to eat; and as if that’s not enough, we demand our gardens be harmonious, attractive and a boon to their environment.

This is a lot to ask of our humble garden, but it can be accomplished! Generations of our ancestors have done it, and they’ve done it with less. Maybe we should follow their lead.
You can do it with less by using homemade natural remedies to treat pests and disease. With readily available ingredients, fertilizers too can be mixed up right in your kitchen and stored easily (and attractively) for whenever you need them. They are green, economical and best of all, successful.

The full article with the list of 12  tips can be found at Hope Gardens.