Articles by wisegardening

Growing Hydrangeas

A Hydrangea shrub is always a very beautiful shrub whether it is pink, blue, white, lavender or rose.  Once it is planted in a semi shaded area and kept moist, it will thrive and bloom…

Plant Your Flowers In Pots

Very often we put one plant in a pot and wait for it to grow, get big and flower.  However, today I want to share how to plant many flowering plants in one pot for…

Add Some Flair to Your Garden

Finally your garden is looking good.  Plants are nice and green and flowers are blooming with their various vibrant shades.  Yet, you realize that something more can be added, what else can you do to…

Some Healing Herbs

Herbs have always been known for their many uses in cooking, teas and especially for their medicinal uses. No matter how far back you go in history, you will always find that herbs have been…

10 Tips For Herb Growers

Once you’ve decided to start growing your own herbs, it can be a little overwhelming deciding which ones to start with.  Also, hopefully you know whether you’re going to plant them in pots or you…

Home Grown Strawberries

It’s summer so think … Strawberries, lovely, juicy strawberries.  You buy them all the time and enjoy them in so many different ways.  Use them in fruit salads, smoothies, jellies, desserts and in jams or…

How To Store Your Harvest

If you have been gardening for a long time or if you’re just about to get started for the summer, you need to know how you’re going to store your harvest so that it will…

Container Fruit Trees

When you live in the countryside, on a farm or on a plantation, there are never any problems planting fruit trees as there is unlimited space.  For the children in the family, summer holidays is…

From Seed to Plate in 5-7 Days

I hope you’re ready to grow your own microgreens.  These tiny vegetable greens are packed full of nutrients, and even have more vital nutrients than mature plants. Microgreens are not the same as sprouts. Since…