Beginner Gardening Tips

Photo Credit: taylorandayumi - Flickr

Just about everything is difficult in the beginning, until you get familiar with doing it over and over. The best example I can think of is riding a bicycle,  (don’t ask why I chose that example).  Then you can develop your own short cuts and easier way of doing it, and especially, how to work smart and not hard.

This is especially true in gardening.  Firstly, I would say that it is much easier if you love gardening.  Not everyone wants to get down on their knees to pull weeds or lift pots from one place to another or even dig in soil with all kinds of things mixed in.  We won’t even talk about dealing with slugs, snails and black hairy spiders.

I’ll assume that this article  is directed to beginner gardeners.  These are the ones who have gotten past all that I just spoke about.  You are on your way to planting and enjoying tending your garden, and looking forward to reaping your first harvest.

Head over to the following page to see the tips and find out about new things you can do in your garden to make it easier for you.