Green Bell Peppers

You should consider growing green bell peppers as they are very easy to grow.  You will also have your very own supply of fresh, wonderful tasting green bell peppers.  The longer bell peppers stay on the plant the sweeter they become and the greater their vitamin C content.

The very informative article below was written by Katie Femia on the Premeditated Leftovers website.

How to plant green bell pepper seeds:

You are welcome to start green bell pepper seeds indoors if the temperatures outside are still chilly. If planting indoors, you want to start your seeds 6-8 weeks before the final frost. Use a basic seed starting system and make sure your soil stays moist and warm. A sunny window is the perfect place for your green pepper seeds to flourish until it is warm enough to transplant. Plant the green pepper seeds 2-3 to a pot and simply thin out the weaker plants after a few weeks.

If you are limited on space, feel free to grow green peppers in containers. One to two plants per container (make sure the container is generous in size) typically works well. A tomato cage or stake may be ideal to help the plant grow upward and offer some support.

To read the entire article go to the Premeditated Leftovers website.